What Is The Direct Relation With Love And Macaroni?

Macaroni, which always has its place ready on our tables with its practical cooking, delicious taste and nice appearance, not only nurtures our bodies with the vitamins and minerals it contains, but also provides flavors for our love lives. Turkey’s pasta brand for half a century now, Oba Makarna explains the direct relation between love and macaroni and gives tips on how to fortify love with macaroni, within the scope of Valentine’s Day.
Macaroni, which always has its place ready on our tables all year round, contributes to our love lives while nurturing our bodies with rish vitamins and minerals it contains. Turkey’s pasta brand for half a century now, Oba Makarna share tips on how to fortify love with macaroni, within the scope of Valentine’s Day.
First off, macaroni helps secretion of serotonin, known as happiness hormone, and removes depressive, fatigued, diffident moods of people. Thus, macaroni makes both you and your lover happy! This happiness reflects on your relationship and your love strengthens. Do not forget to eat macaroni alone or with your beloved one and never leave macaroni from your lifeif you want to be happy.