Oba Support for Gastronomy

While world brand Oba Makarna continued to hit the headlines by supporting the social responsibility projects in social, cultural, artistic and sports fields as well as maintaining its leadership, lastly it has drawn attention by supporting the 2nd Traditional International Gaziantep Food Contest organized by Gaziantep University and aiming the development of Gaziantep's gastronomy tourism.
A thank you plaque was given to İpek Cıncıkcı, Oba Makarna Corporate Communication Director, in the memory of day by Prof. Dr. Yavuz Coşkun, the chancellor of Gaziantep University, Dr. 2nd Traditional International Gaziantep Food Contest. Cıncıkcı serving as a juror in the contest stated that as an organization they give all necessary supports at every platform for the development of gastronomy tourism and they would continue to support in the coming periods as well. She further said that "Gaizantep University is one of the most important visions of our city. The university founded the gastronomy department long before the promulgation of our city as the gastronomy city by UNESCO. The organized contest is of great importance so that the foreign students coming to Gaziantep for education from different countries could be familiar with Gaziantep cuisine culture and be a cultural ambassador for our future city in the future. I wholeheartedly celebrate those who made great efforts and our Chancellor, Mr. Prof. Dr. Yavuz Coşkun".