Any verbal, physical and sexual approach, unexcusable physical contact, offer or touching that is not approved by the other party,

  • of a person; comments about his or her personal image, body or lifestyle regarding race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, disability or any other characteristic,
  • Statements or threats made in a way that imply, relate, or reasonably imply a connection between the employee or student's employment status, promotion potential, salary status or grades, and consent to sexual harassment;
  • Displaying obscene or discriminatory graphics, cartoons or photographs regarding race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other personal characteristic, in the workplace, excluding those used in educational activities,
  • Obscene stories, jokes, suggestive remarks or comments about race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, disability or any personal characteristics, verbal attacks,
  • Mobbing (harassing); Unwarranted accusations, humiliations, general harassment or emotional abuse of a particular person, perpetrated by a group rather than an individual, Retaliation

No employee, student, intern, job applicant or any other person shall, provided in good faith, seek advice on a sexual harassment issue, file a sexual harassment complaint, or act as a witness or panel member in an investigation into sexual harassment. may not be subjected to behavior such as restriction, interference, coercion or retaliation.